Monday 23 November 2020

Compare the Photos



Compare the two photos for ONE minute and ...
  • say what is good and bad about these types of holidays.
  • say what the people are looking at and why.
  • say why they have chosen this sort of holiday.

Talk for about 30 seconds,
Which of these holidays would you prefer?

Free Time Activities

Compare the two photos for ONE minute and ...
  • why sport is important to people.
  • Which sport would you most likely try.


Wednesday 18 November 2020

A Silly Photo

The people in this picture are doing some silly things! Can you tell me about some of the silly things? Why is it silly? What's the silliest thing that you see?


Describe the Photos

Describe the Photos:

Where in the picture?

In the background...

In the foreground...

On the left...

On the right...

In the middle of the picture...

next to
in front of
on top of

What is in the picture?

In the picture I can see ...
s / There are ...
There isn’t a ... / There aren’t any ...


The man is
The people are
It’s raining.

If something isn’t clear

It looks like a ...
It might be a ...
He could be
Maybe it’s a ...

Picture Dictation

Can you describe these photos?

Describe the person/people in the picture first (appearance, What are they doing?, possible feelings)

Describe their surroundings (Where are they? What objects are around them? Are the people doing anything with the things around them?)

Monday 16 November 2020

Movers Story (Part Two)


One Small Step (Descriptive Video)



We are going to watch the video below. It shows a relationship between a father and a daughter.  

You are going to:

  • You need to describe: 
  • The background:
  •  Place- Where is the person? What's the colour of the place?
  • Surrounding- What furniture or items are in the surrounding?
  • Time-  What time of the day is it?
  • Weather- What is the weather like?
  • Emotion: happy, sad, angry, tired, etc.
  • The clothing of the people
  • The physical features: He has got blond/dark brown/ feathers and He is short/thin/fat/blue
  • Actions of the people: What is he doing? What are they doing?


Talk for ONE minute! Present Simple vs Continuous


Questions Activity

Thursday 12 November 2020

Present Perfect (Grammar)


Time Expressions:

Video: Despicable Me 3


  1. Have you ever ridden an animal?
  2. Where have you traveled?
  3. What sports have you played? 
  4. Where is the best place you have ever been?
  5. What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?
  6. What interesting foods have you eaten?
  7. What are some unique accomplishments you have done?
  8. Have you ever screamed at someone in public?
  9. Who is the greatest person you have ever met?
  10. What is the worst restaurant you have eaten at?
  11. What is the best restaurant you have eaten at?
  12. What have you done a lot this week?
  13. What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?
  14. What have you done too many times?

Tuesday 10 November 2020

A Picture's worth (story)

 Instructions: look at the unusual picture and create a story.

Picture Story (Movers)

Find the differences:

Can you use the pictures to tell a story?

Look at these pictures. These pictures tell you the story. It’s called ‘The untidy bedroom’. Just look at the pictures first. (Pause) Look at the first one.
Emma and Jill are in their bedroom with their mother. She isn't happy because the room is untidy. She is saying, 'It's half past six. You must tidy your room and then you can watch TV in bed.'

Sunday 8 November 2020

Low Preparation Speaking Activities

  Throw the dice

Aim:  Develop communicative skills by asking and answering questions on different topics. This exercise is especially useful to revise different topics for a speaking exam.

Materials: An online dice and post it

Before the class

Provide each group with three or four sticky notes.

Write the topics you want to revise on clean sheets of paper. You’ll need as many as topics you want to revise. Put them on the walls of the class. 

  • work
  • sports
  • education
  • free time activities

How to play

Assign a wh- word to each number on the dice and write it on the board for all the learners to see.

  • 1 – why
  • 2 – where
  • 3 – when
  • 4 – what
  • 5 – how
  • 6 – who

Ask learners to work in pairs or in groups of three.

Throw the dice.

When the number appears, point to the board where the numbers and their corresponding wh-words are displayed.

Ask the groups to choose a topic and write a question about their chosen topic beginning with the wh- word that corresponds to that number. For example,

  • Group 1 on sports: Why do people practise extreme sports?
  • Group 2 on education: Why is it helpful to learn a second language?

Encourage learners to write open questions to generate conversation.

Once they have written their question on the sticky note, ask them to stand up and place the note next to the topic the question refers to.

Throw the dice again and repeat. This time, groups must choose a different topic. They can do this after throwing the dice.

Once you have at least three or four questions per topic, ask learners to stand up in their groups, next to a topic.

Ask them to talk about the questions in groups.

Allow about five minutes per poster. Then ask them to move clockwise to the next topic.

Source:British council