Showing posts with label A2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A2. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Movers Part One

Part One

What's in Part 1?

The examiner will greet the child and ask their name and age. Then they look at two pictures. The pictures are similar but they have some differences. The examiner asks the child to describe four differences in the pictures.
What should children practise? Describing differences between pictures. Talking about colour, size, number, position, how people/things look, what people are doing, etc.


Look at these pictures. They look the same, but some things are different. Here, there are three trees, but here, there are two trees. What other different things can you see?

Find the differences

Source: ESL Cafe
Look at these pictures. They look the same, but some things are different. There is a pirate on this island, but there is a monster on this island.

What other different things can you see? 

Look at these pictures. They look the same, but some things are different. This man is wearing a green shirt, but this man is wearing a yellow shirt.

What other different things can you see?

Look at these pictures. They look the same, but some things are different. This blanket is yellow, but this blanket is blue.

What other different things can you see?

Look at these pictures. They look the same, but some things are different. This woman is carrying a small bag, but this woman is carrying a big bag.
What other different things can you see?

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Wh Question Words


Uses of Question Words:
Question words, an interactive worksheet by kateke

Let's make questions:

Look at the picture below. Put the question in order.

Let's play a game:

Select the correct question word to complete the sentence.
IF doesn't play click here

Let's Have a Game Show:

Can you spin the wheel?

Spin the wheel and make a question!

Tuesday 16 March 2021

My favourite film


Look at the film posters and discuss the questions.

  1. Can you name the film?
  2. What kind of films are they? Choose from the words in the box.
  3. What type of film do you like best? Why?
Action   Animation/cartoon.    Comedy.   Horror.  Musical.   Romance.  Science. fiction/fantasy.    Western.   Thriller

2. Think of the film you have seen most recently.
What was it called?
Who was in it?
Where was it set?
What was it about?
How many stars would you give it?
🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 outstanding
🤩🤩🤩🤩 good
🤩🤩🤩 all right
🤩🤩 not very good
🤩 terrible

Why did you give the film this rating? Explain, using words and expressions from the boxes.
The plot was.... 
The setting was...
The acting was...

Exciting.  Realistic.   terrible.    Frightening.     Unusual.     Boring.     Sad.     Funny.    Excellent.     Average.

I gave it three stars. I thought it was all right. The plot was quite exciting but the setting wasn't realistic. The acting was only average.

Imagine you are a film producer. Answer these questions and give your reasons. 
What kind of film would  you like to make?
Where will it be set?
Who will you choose to star in it?

Writing: Film Review

Brainstorming: Think of a film you want to review. Read the questions and choose the answers or add your own.

Write a review of a film you liked.

Part 1: Give the name and type of film.
  • .... is a ..... film.
  • It is based on...
Part 2: Give background information about story and characters
  • The story, which takes place in ...., is about ...
  • The main character, who ...., is ...
Part 3: Say what you like/ dislike about the film
  • There is a lot to like ...
  • Some scenes are full of .... that ...
  • I also enjoyed...
Part 4: Give your recommendation about who will enjoy the film
  • If you ask me...
  • ... will enjoy every minute.
Try to write longer sentences using relative pronouns and adjectives.
So + adjective + that.
Use the present simple and future simple.


Infinitive of Purpose (to+verb)

 Use "TO + VERB" to explain your intention.

Complete the sentences.

  1. I had a birthday party...
  2. I invited my friends to my house...
  3. He uses his tablet...
  4. We usually go to the park...
  5. Ana goes to school...
  6. I eat fruits and vegetables...
  7. He does exercise...
Exercise 1: Listen and draw lines. 
Do this activity: Match and unscramble sentences.

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Thursday 18 February 2021

Past Simple or Past continuous

 In the following sentences change the verbs into their corresponding past tenses.

1.    John visits his parents every week.
2.    The wind blows furiously.
3.    The boy is eating around the table.
4.    She looks beautiful.
5.    She sings very well indeed.
6.    The woman sees the man. 
7.    He doesn't like his teacher.
8.    He is upset. 
9.    A portrait of Abraham Lincoln hangs on the wall.
10.    He is wearing a blue t-shirt and black trousers.
11.    The boy runs down the street at top speed.
12.    The books are on the floor.
13.    She puts her books on the table.
14.    They say good bye.
15.    The man tells a lie in order to escape punishment.
16.    I like how the writer writes.

17.    The kite flies into the air.
18.    They are best friends. 
19.    In a flash, she runs up the stairs.
20.    I know him from my school.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Picture Story

  Today we are going to practise telling stories using pictures.

 Step 1: 

Look at the pictures and think about the words that you know for the things you can see.

Step 2:

Look at the things that are the same and the things that are different. 

Step 3:

Look at the people: how are they feeling in each picture?

Step 4:

Add time words such as one day, once upon a time, then, etc. 
Here are some to help you:

Step 5:
We use the past simple to describe the actions in each picture.

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Baby! Not A Monkey!

A woman got on a bus, holding a baby.

The bus driver said, “That’s the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen.”

In a huff, the woman slammed her fare into the fare box and took an aisle

seat near the rear of the bus.

The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated and asked her what

was wrong.

“The bus driver insulted me,” she fumed.

The man sympathized and said, “Why, he’s a public servant and shouldn’t say

things to insult passengers.”

“You’re right,” she said. “I think I’ll go back up there and give him a piece of my mind.” “That’s a good idea,” the man said. “Here, let me hold your monkey.”

What's the meaning?

1. huff
2. slammed
3. fare
4. fare box
5. aisle
6. rear
7. sensed
8. agitated
9. insulted
10. fumed
11. sympathized

Pronunciation Practice

1 got on a bus
2 the ugliest baby
3 in a huff
4 slammed
5 took an aisle seat
6 sensed
7 agitated
8 insulted
9 fumed
10 sympathized
11 passengers
12 go back up there
13 piece of my mind
14 good idea


1. What was the woman holding when she got on the bus?
2. What did the driver say to her baby?
3. What did the man who was sitting next to the
woman think of her baby?

Weather Forecast


While we were sailing, my friend tuned in to listen to the weather forecast on a local radio station. Over the airwaves, there was a pause and an audible shuffling of papers, followed by a voice saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t find the forecast, but let me look out of the window--Oh! it’s a lovely drying day.”

What’s the Meaning ...

 1. sailing

2. tuned in

3. weather forecast

4. local

5. radio station

6. airwaves

7. pause

8. audible

9. shuffling

10. lovely

Pronunciation Practice

1 tuned in

2 weather forecast

3 radio station

4 airwaves

5 audible

6 shuffling of papers

7 look out of the window


1. What were the writer and his friend doing?

2. What were they listening to?

3. Did the radio announcer have a problem

with the forecast? What happened?

Book Sale

“I may want to read it again one day” is the reason why my husband keeps every book he reads. Over 25 years most of them, never opened again after the first reading, have accumulated in our cellar. One day, however, thinking he’d never notice their absence, I donated most of them to a charity book sale. As I stood admiring the empty cellar, I heard Frank call to me, “I’m home early so I can get to the book sale before it closes.”

While he was gone, I prepared for the worst. But when he arrived home empty- handed, I asked him if there had been any books that interested him.

“Yes, there were lots of good ones,” he replied, “but I’ve got them all,”

What’s the Meaning ...

 1. accumulated

2. cellar

3. however

4. donated

5. charity

6. sale

7. admiring

8. empty- handed

Pronunciation Practice

1 reason

2 accumulated

3 cellar

4 absence

5 donated

6 charity

7 admiring

8 worst

9 empty- handed

10 lots of good ones


1. What does the writer’s husband do to every book he reads?
2. What did she do with the books one day?
3. What did her husband say when he came home from the charity book sale?

Saturday 30 January 2021

A Soldier's Lie



Once upon a time, a soldier asked his commanding officer for a day's leave to attend his sister's wedding.

The officer asked him to wait outside the door for a few minutes while he considered the request.

The officer then called the soldier back into his office and said, "You are a liar. I have just phoned your sister and she told me she is already married."

"Well, sir, you are an even bigger liar," the soldier replied, "because I do not even have a sister."

Pronounce the following words several times:






What’s the Meaning ...

 1. commanding officer

2. soldier

3. consider

4. request

5. liar

Vocabulary Practice:

Mark the best choice.
'Leave' here means......
a) going out from a place
b) one part of a tree
c) permission to be absent from work
d) asking a person for some money

To 'attend' here means to...
a) take care of
b) pay for
c) be present at
d) look at

 Questions for Discussion

Who is a soldier? 
Why did the soldier tell the officer a lie?
Why did the officer tell the soldier a lie?
Can you remember telling such lies?


Now you tell your friend the story in your own words.


Wednesday 27 January 2021

Past Simple Videos

 Instructions: Select "play mode". Choose watch video without quiz.

Watch the video. Select "play mode" and choose interactive mode. Watch and answer the questions.

Madagascar: (7 questions)

Mr. Beans: (9 questions)

Job Interview (20 Irregular Verbs in Past Simple)

Up! Irregular verbs: 11 questions

Mr. Indifferent  (15 questions)