Saturday 30 January 2021

A Soldier's Lie



Once upon a time, a soldier asked his commanding officer for a day's leave to attend his sister's wedding.

The officer asked him to wait outside the door for a few minutes while he considered the request.

The officer then called the soldier back into his office and said, "You are a liar. I have just phoned your sister and she told me she is already married."

"Well, sir, you are an even bigger liar," the soldier replied, "because I do not even have a sister."

Pronounce the following words several times:






What’s the Meaning ...

 1. commanding officer

2. soldier

3. consider

4. request

5. liar

Vocabulary Practice:

Mark the best choice.
'Leave' here means......
a) going out from a place
b) one part of a tree
c) permission to be absent from work
d) asking a person for some money

To 'attend' here means to...
a) take care of
b) pay for
c) be present at
d) look at

 Questions for Discussion

Who is a soldier? 
Why did the soldier tell the officer a lie?
Why did the officer tell the soldier a lie?
Can you remember telling such lies?


Now you tell your friend the story in your own words.


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