Saturday 30 January 2021

Origami: Valentine’s heart


Title: I love you Valentine’s heart shaped envelope and card


Arts & Craft


2nd Grade of Primary

Class size:

25 students


6-7 years old

Language Level:



45 minutes

Target Language:


Target Vocabulary

fold, left, right, glue,  

Description of lesson: 

In this lesson, learners will be able to practise following instructions in the context of making an origami heart.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

ü  Follow instructions in order to make an origami heart.

ü  Write a small note to a loved one using an index card and the structure ‘I love you’.


ü  Stick glue

ü  Crayons

ü  Markers

ü  Scissors

ü  White index card

ü  Red A4 cartridge paper

ü  Sing along Barney ‘I love you’

Lead in (5minutes):

Teacher brings a pre-made origami heart to the class to show to the students and elicit the word ‘heart’. Teacher asks the pupils ‘what celebration is today?’ Students respond and teacher encourages students to respond in English such as Today is…

Exposure (5minutes):

Show me: Teacher encourages class to put their closed pencil cases on their tables. Teacher says one of the materials and students all raise their hands with the specified item. Teacher says: Glue stick, blue marker, and red crayon. Students raise the respective item in the air. Teacher encourages students to put the glue stick on the table.

Show me your motion: Left and right

Presentation of Content (10minutes):

Teacher issues the red A4 cartridge paper to the class. Students listen and follow instructions. At the end of each step, teacher asks students to raise his or her hand when he or she has completed the step by saying, “When you have finished, raise your hand.”

Step 1: Put your red paper on the table.

Step 2: Fold the paper in half by folding the top corner to the bottom corner, and then unfold.


Step 3: Fold the left corner to the right corner, and then unfold.


Step 4: Fold the top corner to the centre.

Step 5: Glue the top corner to the centre.


Step 6: Fold the bottom corner to the top edge.

Step 7: Glue the bottom corner to the top edge.

Step 8: Fold the bottom left and right edges to the centre crease.

Step 9: Glue the bottom left and right edges to the centre crease.


Step 10: Fold the top and side corners back.

Step 11: Glue the top and side corners back.

Practice of Content (18minutes):

Teacher asks the students what colour is your heart? Who do you love? Do you love mommy? Do you love daddy? Do you love your sister?

Final Activity (15minutes):

Teacher gives each student an index card. Students can write a small message such as: I love you mother. Then allow students to decorate their cards.

Wrap up (10minutes):

Sing along Barney ‘I love you’:

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