Final Project (All year round)

All year Round!

Usefulness of project: 

              This project has been designed for students with an A1 level in English. It caters to the different learning styles: audio, visual and kinesthetic. For visual learners, there are flashcards which have got pictures to relate to the expressions. For audio learners, there are opportunities in the lesson for these learners to hear English from different speakers. Finally, kinesthetic learners have been provided with the opportunity to move by the usage of the warmer, charades and throw the ball. This lesson can be considered appropriate for second graders as the activities are action packed and appeals to their young minds. Specifically, the lesson offers the pupils an opportunity to actively participate in the lesson. The materials help to achieve learning because they are coupled with images and words. These materials are used to help students practise reading and associating images with words. In addition, the question in the bag activity is highly effective as a warmer because it allows the students to ask and respond to everyday questions and prepare for oral examinations. The activities can be used for different topics as these activities are geared towards lessons with flashcards and are therefore transferable. Click this link to see more activities that can be used with flashcards.


To cater to the different levels of achievement, allowance will be made when giving responses. For example, the question "How old are you?", these responses will be accepted: seven, I'm 7; I'm 7 years old. This will encourage all learners to want to participate. In addition, students will be allowed to give other responses outside of the learnt activities such as decorate the tree; swim; celebrate Christmas. Secondly, teachers can support students by giving them prompts.

NB: It is important to note that: Students will know that they have completed an objective by having a small list of the objectives written on the blackboard. When an objective has been completed teacher will ask a student to tick the completed objective.

Roles of Teacher and Language Assistants:

This lesson had two language assistants and the main teacher. All participants had a role in the lesson and were assigned parts. The teacher helped with classroom control and did the 'introduce the content' section. The other language assistant did the 'make a man' section while the main language assistant did the rest of the sections. 

What do you do + (seasons)?
45 minutes
Education Level
Second year of Primary School (2֯EP)
English Level
seven years old
Class size
twenty two
 Main Aim:
Students will ask and answer questions about the activities that they do in the different seasons.

Specific Objectives:

  1. Identify at least three activities associated with the seasons.
  2. Inquire about the activities in different seasons using the structured question, ‘What do you do in…?’ with no grammatical error.
  3. Formulate “Do you” questions using one of the activities with one or few grammatical errors.
Task flashcards
Season flashcards (check slides at the bottom of page)

Target Vocabulary:
Seasonal Activities
Plant seeds
Smell flowers

Go to the beach
Finish school
Celebrate Halloween
Eat chestnut
Wear warm clothes
Open presents

Warmer: (3 minutes)

Question in the bag: (downloadFold up question cards and put it in a bag. Choose one question and point to a pupil. Read the question from the card. Allow the pupil to reply to the question. That pupil gets to choose a question from the bag. He/she points to a classmate and reads the question. The activity continues until at least five students got an opportunity to pose and respond to the questions.

Lead in:(3 minutes)

Review ‘What’s your favourite season? Why?’ Teacher asks students: How many seasons are there? Name one of the seasons and What’s your favourite season? Why?. Encourage students to raise their hand to participate.

Introduce New Content: (12 minutes)

Introduce the season flashcards. Allow students to attempt to read from the flashcard. Paste the season flashcards on the blackboard. Introduce each task flashcard by introducing the activity and allow students to repeat the activity shown on the card. Paste the flashcards on the blackboard.
Play ‘Missing Card’: 
Say to students ‘close your eyes’. Remove one of the flashcards from the board. Say to students ‘open your eyes’ and ask which of the cards is missing. Encourage students to raise his/her hand if they know the answer.  Choose a student. Continue the game until time is up. Switch the place of one of the flashcards and ask students to identify the change.
Play ‘Run and Touch’:
Choose two students from the class and ask them to stand at the back of the class. Remind the students to not push each other and to keep the noise at a reasonable level. Say one of the flashcards then the word go. The first student to touch the correct flashcard gets to stay in the game and chooses a new pupil to play. The game continues until the time is up.

Introduce the structure, ‘What do you do + seasons?’: (10 minutes)

Say to students, ‘look’ and ‘listen’. Say the structured question, ‘What do you do in summer?’ along with its accompanied gesture in order to aid in student’s understanding that a question is being asked. Say to students ‘listen’ and ‘then repeat’. Say the structured question twice.
Allow the students to answer the question if they can.

Evaluation: Play ‘charades’
Ask the class to pose the structured question based on the indicated season after counting to 3. Mime the appropriate activity and allow students to raise their hands in order to respond to your mime. If it is correct, that student gets to mime an activity after the pupils pose the indicated question. The activity continues until the time ends. 

Evaluation Writing: Make a man (10 minutes)

Write a sentence on the blackboard and make slots for a word. Read the sentence. Ask the class to give a letter in the alphabet to complete the missing word. If student says a letter that is not in the word, teacher draws a part of the body. Student continues to give a letter until the word has been completed or before the full man has been formed. The student who guesses the last letter gets to make a sentence.
For example: I plant seeds in _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Review Activity: Throw the ball to my friend (5 minutes)

Get a ball. Say the main teacher's name and ask him/her a question "Do you wear warm clothes in summer?'. Allow the teacher to respond then throw the ball to him/her. The teacher calls a student by his/her name, asks a 'Do you...?' question and after the student replies throw the ball. The game continues until the time ends.

Extra activity:

Students work in pairs. Give each pair a fortune teller. Students take turns to ask 'What's the season?' Then move the fortune teller by either spelling the season or saying the seasons in order. Next, say 'choose a number' then student with the fortune teller has to count to the number. Finally, the student B chooses a number and student A opens it and ask the question. 


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