Tuesday 2 March 2021

Role Play: Asking for & Giving Advice

Do a role play with a partner. Use the useful language box to help you.

 Useful Language

Stating the problem:

  • I want to ....
  • I've looked at .... but I'm not sure which to choose.

Asking for Advice:

  • Can you help me?
  • One option is...
  • The other option is...
  • What do you suggest?

Giving Advice:

  • If I were you, I would ...
  • I would choose ... because ...
  • I think you should...
  • I don't think ... is important because...
  • I suppose ... is good because...
Situation 1:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want to improve your English pronunciation. Say two things about each course in the advert and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which course to take.

Situation 2:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want a new car but you do not have enough money. Say two things about each loan options in the advert and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which loan to take.

Situation 3:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want to get a new phone. Say two things about each phone in the advert and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which phone to get.

Situation 4:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want to take up a new hobby in your free time. Say two things about each hobby in the advert and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which hobby to take up.

Situation 5:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want to be famous on tik tok. Say two things about each option and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which path to take to become famous.

Wednesday 24 February 2021