Tuesday 16 March 2021

FCE Gold Plus course book (2013)

 Resources for FCE B2 examination. 

My favourite film


Look at the film posters and discuss the questions.

  1. Can you name the film?
  2. What kind of films are they? Choose from the words in the box.
  3. What type of film do you like best? Why?
Action   Animation/cartoon.    Comedy.   Horror.  Musical.   Romance.  Science. fiction/fantasy.    Western.   Thriller

2. Think of the film you have seen most recently.
What was it called?
Who was in it?
Where was it set?
What was it about?
How many stars would you give it?
🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 outstanding
🤩🤩🤩🤩 good
🤩🤩🤩 all right
🤩🤩 not very good
🤩 terrible

Why did you give the film this rating? Explain, using words and expressions from the boxes.
The plot was.... 
The setting was...
The acting was...

Exciting.  Realistic.   terrible.    Frightening.     Unusual.     Boring.     Sad.     Funny.    Excellent.     Average.

I gave it three stars. I thought it was all right. The plot was quite exciting but the setting wasn't realistic. The acting was only average.

Imagine you are a film producer. Answer these questions and give your reasons. 
What kind of film would  you like to make?
Where will it be set?
Who will you choose to star in it?

Writing: Film Review

Brainstorming: Think of a film you want to review. Read the questions and choose the answers or add your own.

Write a review of a film you liked.

Part 1: Give the name and type of film.
  • .... is a ..... film.
  • It is based on...
Part 2: Give background information about story and characters
  • The story, which takes place in ...., is about ...
  • The main character, who ...., is ...
Part 3: Say what you like/ dislike about the film
  • There is a lot to like ...
  • Some scenes are full of .... that ...
  • I also enjoyed...
Part 4: Give your recommendation about who will enjoy the film
  • If you ask me...
  • ... will enjoy every minute.
Try to write longer sentences using relative pronouns and adjectives.
So + adjective + that.
Use the present simple and future simple.


Infinitive of Purpose (to+verb)

 Use "TO + VERB" to explain your intention.

Complete the sentences.

  1. I had a birthday party...
  2. I invited my friends to my house...
  3. He uses his tablet...
  4. We usually go to the park...
  5. Ana goes to school...
  6. I eat fruits and vegetables...
  7. He does exercise...
Exercise 1: Listen and draw lines. 
Do this activity: Match and unscramble sentences.