Saturday 28 March 2020

How do we learn things?

How do we learn things? (Study)

Lesson Plan: Small class size

TopicHow do we learn things? (Study)
Duration45 minutes
Education LevelFifth year of Primary School (5֯EP)
English LevelA2
Ageten years old
Class sizeone to eight students
Main Aim:
Students will have developed their fluency on the topic of studying.
Specific Objectives:
Students will be able to:
  • Formulate at least three questions surrounding vocabulary related to studying.
  • Answer questions in a complete way based on a text.
  • Have a conversation about studying as a way of learning things with little to no grammatical errors when using the present tense.

Target Vocabulary:

Time-table, test, textbook, essay, certificate, head-teacher, exam, course project, dictionary and experiment.

Lead In (5minutes):

Word bubble: Teacher asks student three questions about learning. The questions are:
What did you learn today? Where and when did you learn it?

Preparing to speak (7minutes):

Teacher draws a table on the chalkboard with three headings: School, Classroom, and Words to talk about learning. Teacher adds a word under each heading as an example and allows student to write three more words relating to each heading. Teacher says that the table will help us to talk about the student’s school routine.

Useful Language (20minutes):

Word to Picture Association: Teacher places a card of words and pictures of the targeted vocabulary that was taken from the passage. Student is required to match the words to the pictures. Teacher can help students to understand the words by giving examples or student can use her dictionary.
Let’s Communicate: Teacher places all the word cards on the table. Student and teacher take turns to create and pose questions using the words at least five words will be chosen.
Read an article about Tomas’ way of learning new things:
Student is encouraged to look at and keep in mind the words under the headings on the chalkboard. She reads the passage and looks if any words from her list on the chalkboard were mentioned. She answers the guided questions orally.

Speaking Task (7 minutes):

Student and teacher have a five minutes discussion about studying as a means of learning and ways persons study.

Feedback (2minutes):

Teacher provides feedback about the outcome of the lesson and highlights errors and allows student to correct them.

Wrap Up (5minutes):

Hangman: Teacher chooses a word from the lesson and draw lines on the board amounting to the letters in the word. Teacher provides student with one clue and she attempts to guess the word by providing a letter. If the letter does not exist in the given word, a part of the man’s body is drawn. The student continues to make attempts until there is a full man. When she gives the correct word, it is her turn. Game continues until time runs out.

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