Monday 28 September 2020

Personal Opinions: Being a Hero


Who is a hero?

What makes a hero?

Who do we look up to as heroes and why?

Is being a hero a blessing or a burden?

What are the role(s) of heroes in society?


Make sacrifice(s)
Be selfless
Be brave
Be courageous
Be humble
Be impromptu,
Be spontaneous
Save people's lives
Receive praise

Useful discourse markers:

Super Heroes:

Choose one of the super heroes. Tell me about your favourite super hero. 
For example: Batman (Bruce Wayne) is one of my favourite super heroes. First, he protects the citizens (people) of Gotham City. For example, the Joker often tries to destroy the city but Batman defeats him and saves the people. Secondly, he is selfless because he spends his nights fighting bad people rather than having a good night's sleep. Above all, he is my favourite hero because even though he does not have any powers, he is brave. 

Real Life Heroes:

Here a some pictures of people who are heroes:
  • What do you think is happening?
  • Who is the hero and why?

Now, let us watch a short video clip of different heroes in action:
There are 5 situations.
For each situation: tell me what happened and why the person is a hero?
Phrases for expressing your opinions:

Thursday 24 September 2020

Daily Life: lesson 1

 Lesson 1:

Today we are going to learn about daily life and routines. 
Can you think of one activity that you do every day?

Let us watch a video about Mr. Bean's crazy morning


Describe Mr. Bean's morning.
Was it a crazy morning?
Tell me about your morning: What do you do?
Let us have a 1 minute talk about your morning.

Let us play a card game!

Let us talk about the pictures!


Travel and Holidays: Lesson 1

 Lesson 1:

Objectives: To ask and answer questions about holiday plans.
To talk about holiday plans.

What questions do you need to ask to get the following information?
Help: A question word + be + going + verb?
Holiday Destination: Where are you going on Holiday?
Departure date (day of leaving):
Length of stay:
Accommodation (place):
Planned activities:

In pairs complete the missing information:
Student A: click here
Student B: click here

Teacher's lesson plan 

Let's plan a holiday:

Step 1: Where to? Write a holiday destination. Example: London, New York, Madrid.
Step 2: Go Play: Choose three activities. 
Step 3: Go Rest: Choose a hotel
Step 4: Go Eat: Choose a restaurant and a meal/food.

Step 5:  Share your plan in padlet:

Step 1: 

Steps 2 and 3: 

Helpful Vocabulary:
Types of Accommodation:
> Hotel

> Hostel

>couch surfing (sleeping on someone's couch)
> Camping
> Bed & Breakfast 
> relax all day
> sport activities: snorkelling; skydiving; skiing
> go out at night
> sailing
> sightseeing
> cultural activities: visiting a museum/park; practising cultural dances
> eating out
> shopping
> souvenir hunting

See your holiday plan here!

Made with Padlet

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Pre-Intermediate Conversation Class

 Pre-Intermediate Conversation Class: September

Select your favourite topics: Topics 

Getting to know you: Snakes and Ladders

Let's play a snakes and ladder board game. You will need a counter and an online dice.

How to play:

  • Each player puts his counter on "start here".
  • Take it in turns to roll the dice.
  • Move your counter forward the number of spaces shown on the dice.
  • Ask a player one of the conversation questions below or create your own questions.
  • If your counter lands at the bottom of a ladder, you can move up to the top of the ladder.
  • If your counter lands on the head of a snake, you must slide down to the bottom of the snake.
  • The first player to get to the space that says 'home' is the winner.


Click: Online Dice 
Online snakes and ladders: online
List of questions for game: Conversation Questions

Find the differences:

Flyers preparation: Speaking - Find differences

Let's Talk about the picture:

Thursday 17 September 2020