Thursday 24 September 2020

Travel and Holidays: Lesson 1

 Lesson 1:

Objectives: To ask and answer questions about holiday plans.
To talk about holiday plans.

What questions do you need to ask to get the following information?
Help: A question word + be + going + verb?
Holiday Destination: Where are you going on Holiday?
Departure date (day of leaving):
Length of stay:
Accommodation (place):
Planned activities:

In pairs complete the missing information:
Student A: click here
Student B: click here

Teacher's lesson plan 

Let's plan a holiday:

Step 1: Where to? Write a holiday destination. Example: London, New York, Madrid.
Step 2: Go Play: Choose three activities. 
Step 3: Go Rest: Choose a hotel
Step 4: Go Eat: Choose a restaurant and a meal/food.

Step 5:  Share your plan in padlet:

Step 1: 

Steps 2 and 3: 

Helpful Vocabulary:
Types of Accommodation:
> Hotel

> Hostel

>couch surfing (sleeping on someone's couch)
> Camping
> Bed & Breakfast 
> relax all day
> sport activities: snorkelling; skydiving; skiing
> go out at night
> sailing
> sightseeing
> cultural activities: visiting a museum/park; practising cultural dances
> eating out
> shopping
> souvenir hunting

See your holiday plan here!

Made with Padlet

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