Thursday 18 November 2021

A2 Speaking Part 2

In Part 2, there are 5 photos and you are expected to say if you likeπŸ‘  or don't like πŸ‘Žan activity and give reasons.


Do you like these different HOBBIES? Say WHY or WHY NOT. 

Useful TIPS: 


Do you like...? 
Do you enjoy...? 
What do you think about...? 
How about...? 


I like/enjoy/love ....
I don't like/hate...

Use adjectives to give your opinion: 

(activity) is great!/ amazing! / interesting! 
(Activity) is difficult/ not really my thing./ terrible!

Example: Reading is great OR Reading is not really my thing. 

Contrast an activity you like with one you don't like:

(Activity) is fun but (activity) is boring!

Say how often you do the activity 

At weekends 
On Mondays, Tuesdays etc.
Once a/twice a/three times per/ week

Give reasons 

Use because, so and when

Example: I like (activity) because I learn new things. 
I enjoying placing with my friends so I play football 
When I'm reading, I discover interesting stuffs and I like that.

Give examples: 

Use for example, like

I am into playing football. For example, last year I played in a football team and we won the championship. 
Team sports like playing football is great. It makes you fit and healthy. Also, you make a lot of friends. 


Tuesday 9 November 2021

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Halloween πŸŽƒ

Let's  watch a video of a scary film and dare to answer some questions:

Escape Room:
Work in teams to answer the questions and move through the escape room.

Let's do an activity:

Monday 18 October 2021

Monday 27 September 2021

Animals: Go Crazy

People Have Asked:

What is the most common animal attack?
What causes animals to attack?
How common are wild animal attacks?

Let's watch a video: Cookie-crazed Squirrel

What do you think about this news?

Squirrel Attack (Source)

In New York, an officer’s body cam captured the moment that a squirrel lunged itself at the officer. The police dispatched two officers to a home after its residents called that a squirrel had broken in and was eating their cookies.

After the dramatic attack, a cause of much hilarity on the policemen’s behalf, the squirrel made a break for the window.

Difficult words: lunge (move quickly forward to attack), dispatch (to send someone somewhere), hilarity (amusement).

How Animals Feel:


Wednesday 22 September 2021

Science Experiment: Lava Lamp

 Let's watch a video:

Can you tell me the ingredients?
What are the instructions?

What you will need:



  •        Baking Soda  
  •         Vinegar 
  •          Food colouring
  •        Vegetable oil (Palm oil) 
  •        A clear plastic bottle 
    •     Spoon 
  •     Bowl 


  1. Put 3 spoons of baking soda in a bottle.

  2. Pour some oil in the bottle.

  3. Mix some white vinegar and food colouring in a bowl.

  4. Drop the coloured vinegar into the oil and baking soda.

  5. Go to a dark room with a torch.

  6. Put the torch behind or under the jar.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Wh Question Words


Uses of Question Words:
Question words, an interactive worksheet by kateke

Let's make questions:

Look at the picture below. Put the question in order.

Let's play a game:

Select the correct question word to complete the sentence.
IF doesn't play click here

Let's Have a Game Show:

Can you spin the wheel?

Spin the wheel and make a question!

Wednesday 15 September 2021

A2 & B1 Language Cert

Speaking Part 1
House and home
• Which is your favourite room in your house?
• Can you tell me about your neighbours?
• Where do you usually study and why?
• Can you tell me about your living room?

• How did you travel here today?
• What’s the best way to travel in your area?
• Can you tell me about your last holiday?
• What do you always take with you when you go on holiday?

Food and drink
• What’s your favourite food and why?
• Who does the cooking in your home?
• Where do you usually eat your meals?
• What did you have for dinner last night?

Speaking Part 2
In Part two you are going to talk about something for one and a half minutes. 
A A sports event you would like to go to 
B Your favourite holiday place 
C Your life before you started school

Reading Part 3
Read the paragraph below. 
Superman is a fictional character with amazing powers. Many people consider Superman the greatest superhero ever. He is certainly the best known. The 1978 Hollywood Superman movie made more money than any other film of its time and gave Superman a worldwide audience.
You have to look before 1978 for Superman’s appearance in comics. The character was created in the early 1930s and in June 1938, the familiar figure was first seen by the public in Action Comics. Since then, he has been on radio and TV and even in a 1960s Broadway musical called Is it a bird?

Listening Part 4
You will hear a conversation. You will hear the conversation twice. Choose the correct answers.

1. Which subject is Katya most concerned about?
a) History.
b) Science.
c) Geography.

2. Why does Katya think she has low marks? She
a) finds it difficult.
b) gets no help from teachers.
c) doesn’t know why.

3. Why does Katya worry about projects? They’re
a) harder than exams.
b) work done at home.
c) part of the final mark.

4. Why does Katya find using the web difficult?
a) Her computer’s confusing.
b) There’s too much material.
c) It takes ages to start.

5. Mr Finlay wants Katya to
a) get help from a teacher.
b) talk to all her teachers.
c) ask friends to explain.

6. What does Mr Finlay decide to do?
a) Ask students for help.
b) Teach Katya about IT.
c) Provide IT advice for students.

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Say Hello To Rachel!

Get to know me:

Let's Play a game: 

Two Truths and a Lie

 I enjoy riding my bicycle.
 I haven't got any brothers or sisters.
  I love eating spaghtti and sausages.

Ask me:
 Yes or No questions.

Is your ... Are you... Is she/he
Do you Does she/he 
Was Were you

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Modal Verbs

 Modal Verbs 

Instruction: Read the sentences and choose the correct modal verb. 

Click: Let's do an activity: There are two grammar tests. Do Grammar test 1 and Grammar test 2. 

Exercise 2: Choose the correct modal verb. Click here: Modal Verbs 2

Exercise 3: Choose either could, should, would or must. Click here: Modal verbs 3

What do the notices say?

Here are some notices. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

I need some advice! 

React to the situations accordingly. Use should/shouldn't, must/mustn't, have to/ not have to. 
For example:
Situation: You are going to your best friend's wedding.
Answer: You should buy a present/ You have to wear nice clothes/ You mustn't be late.
  1. You are going to your best friend’s birthday party.
  2. You are planning a trip to Asia.
  3. You are writing an important exam.
  4. You are thinking about buying a pet.
  5. You are at your grandmother’s 80th birthday party.
  6. You are looking for a job.
  7. Your neighbours have a newborn baby.
  8. It is your first day at your new school.
  9. You are walking home alone at night.
  10. You are moving to a new flat.
  11. You are going out on a Friday night.
  12. Your best friend has a cold. 
  13. You have won 10 000€.
  14. You have a terrible headache. 
  15. You are at the library. 
  16. Your best friend is telling you their secret. 
  17. You are preparing a surprise party for your friends.

Guess the age!

Wednesday 7 April 2021

A2 Key 2020 Questions

  Phase 2

Now let’s talk about daily routine


  • What do you do in the mornings?
  • Do you get up early?
  • What do you normally eat from breakfast?
  • Do you have a shower every day?


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about home


  • Who do you live with?
  • Do you live in a house or a flat?
  • How many bedrooms are there in your house?
  • What’s your favourite room in the house?


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about friends


  • How often do you see your friends?
  • Where do your friends live?
  • What do you like doing with your friends?
  • Did you see your friends last weekend?


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about family life


  • Do you have brothers or sisters?
  • Is your family big?
  • Who do you see more, your friends or your family?
  • Did you like going on holiday with your family when you were a child?


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about school and education


  • Do/did you like going to school?
  • What is/was your favourite subject at school?
  • Who is/was your favourite teacher? (Why?)
  • Do you always do your homework?


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about sports


  • How often do you do sport?
  • What is your favourite sport?
  • Do you like doing sport inside or outside?
  • Do you go to the gym?


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about jobs


  • Do you work or are you are student?
  • What is your ideal job?
  • Where do you want to work?
  • What jobs do you dislike? (Why?)


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about holidays


  • Where do you usually go on holiday?
  • Who do you go on holiday with?
  • How many holidays do you have every year?
  • What was your best holiday? (Why?)


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about hobbies


  • Do you have a hobby?
  • Where do you normally do your hobby?
  • When do you normally do your hobby?
  • What is the most popular hobby in your family?


Phase 2

Now let’s talk about the future


  • What are your plans for the future?
  • Where do you want to live in the future?
  • What job do you want to do?
  • Will you live in your hometown in the future?

Thursday 18 March 2021

Lifted (Animation)

 Look at the pictures. What do you think the video might be about?

Now, let's watch the video.

Can you describe the setting:
What time of day is it? How do you know?
Where is it taking place? How do you know?

Use the following words to talk about the different parts of the video. 

  • Sleep
  • Shine
  • Lift
  • Bump into
  • operate
  • write
  • tremble
  • look confused
  • scream
  • Hit

  • Crash
  • look satisfied 
  • turn off
  • fall down
  • stop

  • Push
  • Pour
  • Put into
  • Pull out

  • Cry

  • Offer
  • Drive
  • Fly
  • Fall
  • Fly away

Tuesday 16 March 2021

FCE Gold Plus course book (2013)

 Resources for FCE B2 examination. 

My favourite film


Look at the film posters and discuss the questions.

  1. Can you name the film?
  2. What kind of films are they? Choose from the words in the box.
  3. What type of film do you like best? Why?
Action   Animation/cartoon.    Comedy.   Horror.  Musical.   Romance.  Science. fiction/fantasy.    Western.   Thriller

2. Think of the film you have seen most recently.
What was it called?
Who was in it?
Where was it set?
What was it about?
How many stars would you give it?
🀩🀩🀩🀩🀩 outstanding
🀩🀩🀩🀩 good
🀩🀩🀩 all right
🀩🀩 not very good
🀩 terrible

Why did you give the film this rating? Explain, using words and expressions from the boxes.
The plot was.... 
The setting was...
The acting was...

Exciting.  Realistic.   terrible.    Frightening.     Unusual.     Boring.     Sad.     Funny.    Excellent.     Average.

I gave it three stars. I thought it was all right. The plot was quite exciting but the setting wasn't realistic. The acting was only average.

Imagine you are a film producer. Answer these questions and give your reasons. 
What kind of film would  you like to make?
Where will it be set?
Who will you choose to star in it?

Writing: Film Review

Brainstorming: Think of a film you want to review. Read the questions and choose the answers or add your own.

Write a review of a film you liked.

Part 1: Give the name and type of film.
  • .... is a ..... film.
  • It is based on...
Part 2: Give background information about story and characters
  • The story, which takes place in ...., is about ...
  • The main character, who ...., is ...
Part 3: Say what you like/ dislike about the film
  • There is a lot to like ...
  • Some scenes are full of .... that ...
  • I also enjoyed...
Part 4: Give your recommendation about who will enjoy the film
  • If you ask me...
  • ... will enjoy every minute.
Try to write longer sentences using relative pronouns and adjectives.
So + adjective + that.
Use the present simple and future simple.


Infinitive of Purpose (to+verb)

 Use "TO + VERB" to explain your intention.

Complete the sentences.

  1. I had a birthday party...
  2. I invited my friends to my house...
  3. He uses his tablet...
  4. We usually go to the park...
  5. Ana goes to school...
  6. I eat fruits and vegetables...
  7. He does exercise...
Exercise 1: Listen and draw lines. 
Do this activity: Match and unscramble sentences.

Staying Healthy


Let's watch a video about 6 ways to stay healthy. After we will talk about the reasons for these ways of staying healthy.

Why should one do these things? Give an example.

Talk about the advantages  and disadvantages.

Discuss the following questions. 

  1. Do you enjoy keeping fit? Why/why not?
  2. What do you think is the best way to keep fit?
  3. Do you think that people have become too lazy nowadays?
  4. Do you think we rely too much on cars? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
  5. How much do you think your health depends on the food you eat?

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Let's save electricity (B1)


The video is about a family that wastes energy. But one day they decide that they need to take care of the planet.

Let's watch and then discuss the video entitled 'Energy, let's save it!'.

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Role Play: Asking for & Giving Advice

Do a role play with a partner. Use the useful language box to help you.

 Useful Language

Stating the problem:

  • I want to ....
  • I've looked at .... but I'm not sure which to choose.

Asking for Advice:

  • Can you help me?
  • One option is...
  • The other option is...
  • What do you suggest?

Giving Advice:

  • If I were you, I would ...
  • I would choose ... because ...
  • I think you should...
  • I don't think ... is important because...
  • I suppose ... is good because...
Situation 1:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want to improve your English pronunciation. Say two things about each course in the advert and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which course to take.

Situation 2:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want a new car but you do not have enough money. Say two things about each loan options in the advert and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which loan to take.

Situation 3:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want to get a new phone. Say two things about each phone in the advert and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which phone to get.

Situation 4:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want to take up a new hobby in your free time. Say two things about each hobby in the advert and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which hobby to take up.

Situation 5:
Student A: Tell your partner that you want to be famous on tik tok. Say two things about each option and ask your partner for advice.
Student B: Give your partner advice on which path to take to become famous.

Wednesday 24 February 2021