Wednesday 15 September 2021

A2 & B1 Language Cert

Speaking Part 1
House and home
• Which is your favourite room in your house?
• Can you tell me about your neighbours?
• Where do you usually study and why?
• Can you tell me about your living room?

• How did you travel here today?
• What’s the best way to travel in your area?
• Can you tell me about your last holiday?
• What do you always take with you when you go on holiday?

Food and drink
• What’s your favourite food and why?
• Who does the cooking in your home?
• Where do you usually eat your meals?
• What did you have for dinner last night?

Speaking Part 2
In Part two you are going to talk about something for one and a half minutes. 
A A sports event you would like to go to 
B Your favourite holiday place 
C Your life before you started school

Reading Part 3
Read the paragraph below. 
Superman is a fictional character with amazing powers. Many people consider Superman the greatest superhero ever. He is certainly the best known. The 1978 Hollywood Superman movie made more money than any other film of its time and gave Superman a worldwide audience.
You have to look before 1978 for Superman’s appearance in comics. The character was created in the early 1930s and in June 1938, the familiar figure was first seen by the public in Action Comics. Since then, he has been on radio and TV and even in a 1960s Broadway musical called Is it a bird?

Listening Part 4
You will hear a conversation. You will hear the conversation twice. Choose the correct answers.

1. Which subject is Katya most concerned about?
a) History.
b) Science.
c) Geography.

2. Why does Katya think she has low marks? She
a) finds it difficult.
b) gets no help from teachers.
c) doesn’t know why.

3. Why does Katya worry about projects? They’re
a) harder than exams.
b) work done at home.
c) part of the final mark.

4. Why does Katya find using the web difficult?
a) Her computer’s confusing.
b) There’s too much material.
c) It takes ages to start.

5. Mr Finlay wants Katya to
a) get help from a teacher.
b) talk to all her teachers.
c) ask friends to explain.

6. What does Mr Finlay decide to do?
a) Ask students for help.
b) Teach Katya about IT.
c) Provide IT advice for students.

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