Tuesday 2 February 2021

Weather Forecast


While we were sailing, my friend tuned in to listen to the weather forecast on a local radio station. Over the airwaves, there was a pause and an audible shuffling of papers, followed by a voice saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t find the forecast, but let me look out of the window--Oh! it’s a lovely drying day.”

What’s the Meaning ...

 1. sailing

2. tuned in

3. weather forecast

4. local

5. radio station

6. airwaves

7. pause

8. audible

9. shuffling

10. lovely

Pronunciation Practice

1 tuned in

2 weather forecast

3 radio station

4 airwaves

5 audible

6 shuffling of papers

7 look out of the window


1. What were the writer and his friend doing?

2. What were they listening to?

3. Did the radio announcer have a problem

with the forecast? What happened?

Book Sale

“I may want to read it again one day” is the reason why my husband keeps every book he reads. Over 25 years most of them, never opened again after the first reading, have accumulated in our cellar. One day, however, thinking he’d never notice their absence, I donated most of them to a charity book sale. As I stood admiring the empty cellar, I heard Frank call to me, “I’m home early so I can get to the book sale before it closes.”

While he was gone, I prepared for the worst. But when he arrived home empty- handed, I asked him if there had been any books that interested him.

“Yes, there were lots of good ones,” he replied, “but I’ve got them all,”

What’s the Meaning ...

 1. accumulated

2. cellar

3. however

4. donated

5. charity

6. sale

7. admiring

8. empty- handed

Pronunciation Practice

1 reason

2 accumulated

3 cellar

4 absence

5 donated

6 charity

7 admiring

8 worst

9 empty- handed

10 lots of good ones


1. What does the writer’s husband do to every book he reads?
2. What did she do with the books one day?
3. What did her husband say when he came home from the charity book sale?

Saturday 30 January 2021

Dice Game

 Dice Game

This is a great way to review vocabulary or material from previous classes. First, you must split the students into 2 teams. Then, choose one number (1-6) to be the BOMB!

Ask one student from each team to do a pre-designated task (like saying a sentence with a vocabulary word, spelling a word, etc.). If the student is able to do this correctly, they get to roll the dice. The number rolled is the number of points the student's team gets. However, if the student rolls the particular number that corresponds to the BOMB!, then his/her team loses all of its points.


Alternatively, instead of losing their points, you can say that when the bomb appears, the two teams will switch points!


It's excruciatingly simple. It can be used in every class. And younger students may go absolutely crazy when they roll the BOMB!