Wednesday 10 February 2021

Grade 6: Review of Unit 4

Questions about Animals:

Choose a colour: RED or YELLOW
Ask a friend one of the questions highlighted in the colour that you have chosen.

  1. What is your favourite animal and why?
  2. What wild animals can you see in your country? Which is the largest?
  3. Why do people have pets?
  4. Do you have a pet? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think it is okay for people to keep animals like lizards and snakes as pets?
  6. Why do humans have ?
  7. Where is the best place to see animals in your country?

Phrasal Verbs

Match the phrasal verbs (1-8) to their meanings (a-h).       
  1. Get on
  2. Let someone down 
  3. Put someone down 
  4. Break up
  5. Ask someone out 
  6. Make up 
  7. Hang out 
  8. Look up to someone: 
a. spend time relaxing
b. disappoint someone
c. Invite on a date
d. Have respect for
e. Stop being a girl or boy friend
f. Like, be friends
g. Forgive each other
h. Be critical of someone

Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

How do you form the Present perfect simple?

How do you form the present perfect continuous?

  Let's watch the video below twice. 

For the first viewing, we watch it in 'watch video without quiz' mode.
For the second viewing, we watch it in 'interactive quiz' mode and answer the questions.

Relative Clauses

We use relative pronouns in relative clauses. 

Can you tell me some relative pronouns and their uses?
For example: 
Who -     for people.

Let's play a game with relative clauses. Click the slide below.

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