Sunday 14 February 2021

Rose during Co-Vid


 On 14th March 2020, the Spanish government declared a national lock-down. Physical buildings were closed and labour moved to the virtual world. My worst fear became my new normal. How did I cope? In this blog, I am going to share my experience as a language assistant and ESL teacher living in Spain during a global pandemic.

Facing My Fear

At the start of the lock-down, my assigned school commissioned its language assistants to create resources for the students. The working hours were 16, however, they could be completed at one's pace. That's a good thing. An advantage from this bad situation. However, it marked the manifestation of o
ne of my worst fears. The first week of resource creation went well. Then the second, third , etc. weeks came and I felt my teaching soul being sucked from my body by this pandemic dementor. The routine wore me down and I felt as if I was chained to a desk and a slave to my laptop. 

The breaker of chains came when I decided to mention to my bilingual coordinator, the creation of a website where the assistants could include resources. This website would give students AND teachers unlimited access to its contents. The creation of a website ( helped to change the momentum as it involved creating videos and audios for the students. This added a little pep in my step. The best parts of virtual classes were the creation of videos and speaking to the students using Jitsi meet.

The Teaching World with Masks

The end of the state of emergency and the return to the physical buildings came with its challenges. Teachers and language assistants, armed with two face masks, disinfectant spray, paper towels and hand sanitising gels, had to go to the drawing boards to think about non-contact interactive activities. 
At my assigned school, I collaborate with 6th grade and help with the preparation for the external exams, A2 KEY and B1 Preliminary for Schools. The current situation calls for the maintenance of  2 metres of distance and the prohibition of sharing. As a result, I use a tablet and a website where I put the lessons and its activities for the students. The students use tablets instead of books. Kahoot, islcollective video lessons and esl live worksheets have become my friends.
These web-tools have been helping me to create interactive activities for the students. 
Also, my team and I decorated the doors of the school with winter themed decorations. Couple weeks later the community of  Madrid got one of its heaviest snowfall in history. I wonder if the decorations had anything to do with it!


Also, as a part time teacher of ESL, I have developed a website ( where I add resources and materials for the students. I try my best to include digital materials in my lessons. For the younger students, I laminate and sanitise the flashcards and materials so that they are able to touch and interact with them. 

  💛  The pandemic has not diminished interaction in the esl teaching and learning world, rather it has changed the manner in which we interact. Now, we interact in the virtual world and with precaution.💛

How has this pandemic affected your teaching and learning lives? Share your experience in the comments section below. 


  1. It is admirable that you have found a new way to get your drive back and passion for teaching


    1. Thank you Teach6521! I'll continue to do my best!

  2. It is very encouraging to see how despite the challenges, teachers like yourself have accepted the task of not allowing the pandemic to prevent teaching and learning. Keep on doing good!

    1. Thank you Devon! Let's keep up the good work!
